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Lessons from the biggest business tax cut in US history

Congress is spoiling for a tax battle in 2025. Key parts of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are set to expire. Most urgent to many voters are sunsetting provisions aimed at households, including the more generous Child Tax ...

Research debunks myths about migration and return

Since the 1990s, the European Union has worked intensively with non-EU countries to discourage irregular migration and promote the return of irregular migrants. Despite years of efforts, recent research shows that migrant ...

Professor calls for national metrics to track prison violence

An article in The Criminologist, written by Nancy Rodriguez, University of California Irvine professor of criminology, law and society, shines a light on the lack of prison violence metrics that could help advance safety.

References to ancient Britain linked to hostility online

Political posts on social media that most frequently referenced ancient history tended to be more extreme, hostile and overwhelmingly negative in tone than average, finds a new study by researchers from UCL and the University ...

More news

Social Sciences
Banned in Brazil: The world is moving toward greater regulation of social media, experts say
Social Sciences
Challenging internal displacement policy within the broader security environment
Political science
Q&A: Venezuela election fallout will worsen refugee crisis, expert says
Social Sciences
Sociologist examines Appalachian voters' rightward shift, with Trump as their 'shame shield'
Social Sciences
Report documents paths to prison for those experiencing intimate partner violence
Social Sciences
What is societal collapse? Lessons from the past can help us understand our future, but only to a point
Political science
How to get the housing we need: Healthy, affordable and resilient to climate change
Political science
Do women candidates have a harder time being elected? A political scientist explains
Social Sciences
Domestic violence in sub-Saharan Africa could triple by 2060, warns report
US disinformation researcher laments 'incredible witch hunt'
Social Sciences
Study finds nine UK fathers accused of child sexual abuse given legal access to their alleged victims
Political science
Conservative governments protect more land while socialists and nationalists label more species as 'threatened'
Social Sciences
Few anti-immigration users dominate most UK-based Twitter anti-immigration content with rapid spread, high polarization
Political science
Do crypto enthusiasts actually make up a significant voting bloc in the US?
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Tackling food insecurity requires more than charity—governments must also act, say researchers
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Disinformation thrives on division in our cities
Political science
Researchers: J.D. Vance got 'single cat women' all wrong—our study shows they wouldn't vote for him anyway
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Voting as a social determinant of health
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Warning labels from fact checkers work—even if you don't trust them—says study
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Locking up young people might make people feel safer but it doesn't work, now or in the long term

Other news

Observational study supports century-old theory that challenges the Big Bang
Molecular & Computational biology
Human 'molecular map' contributes to the understanding of disease mechanisms
Clovis people used Great Lakes camp annually about 13,000 years ago, researchers confirm
Plants & Animals
Spiny mice point the way to new path in social neuroscience
Planetary Sciences
JunoCam spots new volcano on active Io
Earth Sciences
Team develops new tool to map fossil fuel emissions from space
Planetary Sciences
NASA scientists recreate Mars's spider-shaped geologic formations in lab for the first time
Cell & Microbiology
Newly discovered antimicrobial could prevent or treat cholera
Plants & Animals
Four plants eaten by gorillas, also used in traditional medicine, provide clues for new drug discovery
Archaeologists discover an ancient Neanderthal lineage that remained isolated for over 50,000 years
Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope produces its first magnetic field maps of the sun's corona
General Physics
Discovery of a new phase of matter in 2D defies normal statistical mechanics
Quantum Physics
New classical algorithm enhances understanding of quantum computing's future
General Physics
Scientists cool positronium to near absolute zero for antimatter research
Earth Sciences
Precariously balanced rocks in New York, Vermont provide limits on earthquake shaking
Spectrophotometric study explores an early-type dwarf galaxy
Condensed Matter
Overcoming magnetic disorder: Toward low-energy topological electronics
Economics & Business
Study links EV charging stations to increased local business activity
Space Exploration
Keeping mold out of future space stations
Plants & Animals
International team decodes the genome of the Greenland shark

How Norway is helping to restore humanity inside US prisons

As part of an innovative prison reform program, the Oregon State Penitentiary created a healing garden on its grounds to provide some respite from the concrete and resemble the outside world. One incarcerated man who had ...

Two networks, two realities, one big problem

National news coverage from the two largest broadcast outlets, CNN and Fox News, not only reflects growing political polarization in America, but in a recent publication, researchers at Virginia Tech have shown that partisan ...

Economist finds link between park funding, home values

Ohio residents who vote against tax renewals for parks and recreation spending could be costing themselves a significant amount of wealth in the form of their homes' value, a University of Cincinnati economist found.

Why do some politicians cling to power after electoral defeat?

What effect do election processes, protests, social media, electoral rules, integrity, and voter outcomes have on an incumbent's decision to respect an election result or fight to retain office? A paper published in the Journal ...