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Ukraine recap: Drone warfare brings new phase to battlefront

Like many people, I first encountered drones when they looked like toys, something fun to play with and be entertained by. Not long afterward, I was waiting for a boat on my commute to work, and a drone hovered overhead, ...

From harmony to civil war: When language turns deadly

For years, Jaroslav Tir has been pondering a perplexing mystery: Why do some countries where a multi-ethnic populace once lived together in harmony devolve into civil war, slaughter and ethnic cleansing?

Spot AI images this election: Fact vs. fiction tips

On Aug. 18, former president and current presidential candidate Donald Trump posted an unusual endorsement to his social media account on Truth Social. Amid a series of photos, he included an image of pop megastar Taylor ...

Researcher studies how violent policies spread among governments

Complexity Postdoctoral Fellow Kerice Doten-Snitker studies how government-sanctioned violence in medieval Germany diffused from one community to another. More specifically, she wants to know what sometimes prevented the ...

Easing bail policy does not lead to increased crime, report finds

A new report by the nonpartisan California Policy Lab (CPL) shows the estimated effects of several bail policy changes in the City and County of Los Angeles, including removing the emergency bail schedule that was implemented ...

Red flag laws may reduce the growing burden of firearm homicides

A recent study from researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health has found that Florida's red flag gun law, which was enacted in response to the 2018 Parkland mass shooting, was associated with an 11% ...

More news

Social Sciences
While some cities clear homeless encampments, others are granting a 'right to shelter'
Social Sciences
Q&A: Rwanda is creating shiny, modern cities after the genocide—but this won't help communities heal from the past
Social Sciences
Should misogyny be treated as a form of extremism?
Economics & Business
Global population growth is now slowing rapidly: Will a falling population be better for the environment?
Political science
A world mired in conflict calls for international tribunals that play multiple roles
Social Sciences
In domestic violence cases, police are more likely to make arrests when pets are abused too
Economics & Business
For metro governments, bigger may not be economically better
Social Sciences
AI used by police cannot tell Black people apart: Canada's AI laws need urgent attention, say researchers
Social Sciences
Book: Healing America's divisiveness requires changing how we think
Political science
Q&A: Expert explains how recent Supreme Court decisions and a shift in judicial tactics are reshaping US politics
Political science
The truth about Tasers: What UK statistics and research tell us
Calls for a new 'digital vaccination' for children to tackle fake news and disinformation
Social Sciences
How Twitter—now X—helps with understanding Canadian values and attitudes toward asylum seekers
Social Sciences
Research reveals many laws targeting homelessness are ineffective
Political science
International Criminal Court should adopt 'joint criminal enterprise' criminal liability mode, team argues
Social Sciences
Satellite imagery could aid in seeking justice for human rights violations in Sudan
Social Sciences
US voters speak many languages, but non-English campaigning remains risky for Harris and Trump
Economics & Business
Which future? Japan's net zero vision for the region boosts gas and threatens green exports in Australia
Social Sciences
Researcher: Young Black people are disproportionately strip-searched—ways the justice system treats them as a threat
Political science
Study tracks former President Donald Trump's weaponization of words

Other news

Plants & Animals
How fruit flies use internal representations of head direction to support goal-directed navigation
Data from space probes show that Alfvén waves drive the acceleration and heating of the solar wind
Saturday Citations: Corn sweat! Nanoplastics! Plus: Massive objects in your area are dragging spacetime
Study finds RNA molecule controls butterfly wing coloration
General Physics
Using a gamma ray burst to search for violations of Einstein's relativity postulates
Earth Sciences
Doughnut-shaped region found inside Earth's core deepens understanding of planet's magnetic field
Biodiversity loss: Many students of environment-related subjects are partly unaware of the causes
Solar Orbiter shows how solar wind gets a magnetic push
Plants & Animals
Groups of weaver birds found to have their own distinct nest-building styles
What a submerged ancient bridge discovered in a Spanish cave reveals about early human settlement
Earth Sciences
Geophysicist's method could give months' warning of major earthquakes
Astronomers spot merging galaxies from 12.8 billion years ago
Bio & Medicine
How stressed are you? Nanoparticles pave the way for home stress testing
Study combines data and molecular simulations to accelerate drug discovery
Fungus gnat entombed in a 40-million-year-old piece of amber is a rare gem
New study highlights expansion of drylands amidst impact of climate change
Molecular & Computational biology
Researchers identify genes for low glycemic index and high protein in rice
Plants & Animals
New discoveries about how mosquitoes mate may help the fight against malaria
Quantum Physics
Higher-order topological simulation unlocks new potential in quantum computers
Optics & Photonics
Researchers present new diagnostic tool for laser-plasma accelerator using metal foil as 3D scanner

When it comes to political advertising, is AI ever OK?

The Liberal National Party Queensland (LNP) has recently taken a bold step in its political strategy by employing artificial intelligence (AI) to shape public perception of the current premier, Steven Miles. This move has ...

Q&A: Expert discusses political advertising in the 2024 election

Steve Caplan is no stranger to the high-stakes world of political advertising. With over 20 years of experience at the intersection of politics, advertising and marketing, Caplan brings real-world experience to his teaching ...

Q&A: Can policy decisions reduce our appetite for meat?

The City of West Hollywood has reportedly adopted an ordinance that requires plant-based food to be served at all city events, with meat available only upon request. The city's goal is to reduce the impact that meat and dairy ...

Crime expert promotes trauma-informed justice

Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years old in South Australia is an important step forwards in progressing the principles of trauma-informed justice systems, Flinders experts say.

What a 'right to disconnect' from work could look like in the UK

The UK's new government has promised to take action to "promote a positive work-life balance for all workers," and to prevent homes "turning into 24/7 offices". The risk of "always on" working has grown since the pandemic, ...