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Rarely seen cave art holds prehistoric secrets in France

Deep inside a labyrinthine cave in southwestern France, ancient humans who lived around 30,000 years ago carved horses, mammoths and rhinoceros into the walls, a fabulous prehistoric menagerie that has rarely been seen—until ...

Art historian solves riddle behind theft of famous portrait

The 70-year mystery surrounding the theft of an original oil sketch by renowned Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck from a stately home in Northamptonshire has been solved thanks to the research of an art historian.

Ivory Coast's epochal prehistoric finds pass unseen

In the streets of Anyama, children play and braziers smoke on corners. There is little to show that the ground of this everyday Ivory Coast neighborhood conceals seminal prehistoric treasures.

Researchers propose new hypothesis for the origin of stone tools

Sharp stone technology chipped over three million years allowed early humans to exploit animal and plant food resources, which in turn played a large role in increasing human brain size and kick-starting a technological trajectory ...

More news

Scientists date remains of an ancient child that resembles both humans and Neanderthals
Innovative ancient burial site found to be older than Stonehenge
Archaeologists discover ancient irrigation network in Mesopotamia
Unearthing the secrets of an ancient Greek city
Human ancestors making 'bone tech' 1.5 million years ago, say scientists
Pre-Columbian 'puppets' indicate ritual connections across Central America
Standardized production of bone tools by our ancestors pushed back 1 million years
AI models make precise copies of cuneiform characters
Urban inequality scaling throughout the ages: Ancient and modern cities show predictable elite wealth patterns
Discovery of first Bronze Age settlement in the Maghreb
Researcher uncovers hidden copy of Shakespeare sonnet
What are the origins of the Asante's famous kente cloth? I traced its history to find out
Vesuvian ash cloud suspected of turning brain to glass
New study reveals harsh realities of childhood in the pre-Columbian Andes
Time and life cycles reflected in the grinding stones of Europe's earliest Neolithic communities
How did this man's brain turn to glass? Scientists have a theory
Archaeologists reveal the enigmatic burial practices of the Southern Jê
Starfish sites: The secret war effort of British aerial bombing decoys
Butchers, bakers, candlestick-makers, and prostitutes: The women working behind the scenes in papal Avignon
Fossil footprints reveal what may be the oldest known handcarts

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Fossil footprints reveal what may be the oldest known handcarts

If you're a parent, you've probably tried, at some point, to navigate the supermarket with a trolley, and at least one child in tow. But our new study suggests there was an ancient equivalent, dating to 22,000 years ago. ...

Viking skulls inspected with CT scans reveal severe morbidity

Sweden's Viking Age population appears to have suffered from severe oral and maxillofacial disease, sinus and ear infections, osteoarthritis, and much more. This is shown in a study from the University of Gothenburg in which ...