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How ancient stone kitchens preserve food secrets

The mortar, pestle and cutting board in your kitchen are modern versions of manos and metates—ancient cooking implements found in archaeological sites around the world. A mano is a hand-held stone tool used with a metate ...

Decoding a medieval mystery manuscript

Two years ago, MIT professor of literature Arthur Bahr had one of the best days of his life. Sitting in the British Library, he was allowed to page through the Pearl-Manuscript, a singular bound volume from the 1300s containing ...

Rarely seen cave art holds prehistoric secrets in France

Deep inside a labyrinthine cave in southwestern France, ancient humans who lived around 30,000 years ago carved horses, mammoths and rhinoceros into the walls, a fabulous prehistoric menagerie that has rarely been seen—until ...

Art historian solves riddle behind theft of famous portrait

The 70-year mystery surrounding the theft of an original oil sketch by renowned Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck from a stately home in Northamptonshire has been solved thanks to the research of an art historian.

Ivory Coast's epochal prehistoric finds pass unseen

In the streets of Anyama, children play and braziers smoke on corners. There is little to show that the ground of this everyday Ivory Coast neighborhood conceals seminal prehistoric treasures.

Researchers propose new hypothesis for the origin of stone tools

Sharp stone technology chipped over three million years allowed early humans to exploit animal and plant food resources, which in turn played a large role in increasing human brain size and kick-starting a technological trajectory ...

More news

Putting ethics at the forefront in the use of human skeletal remains
Teeth from a 2100-year-old burial pit in Mongolia tell a tale of soldiers far from home
Ancient DNA reveals Maghreb communities preserved their culture and genes, even in a time of human migration
First burials: Compelling evidence that Neanderthal and Homo sapiens engaged in cultural exchange
Explorers discover wreckage of cargo ship that sank in Lake Superior storm more than 130 years ago
'You don't just throw them in a box.' Archaeologists and Indigenous scholars call for better care of animal remains
New study reveals an enigmatic pre-Columbian burial in Ecuador
Scientists date remains of an ancient child that resembles both humans and Neanderthals
Innovative ancient burial site found to be older than Stonehenge
Archaeologists discover ancient irrigation network in Mesopotamia
Unearthing the secrets of an ancient Greek city
Human ancestors making 'bone tech' 1.5 million years ago, say scientists
Pre-Columbian 'puppets' indicate ritual connections across Central America
Standardized production of bone tools by our ancestors pushed back 1 million years
AI models make precise copies of cuneiform characters
Urban inequality scaling throughout the ages: Ancient and modern cities show predictable elite wealth patterns
Discovery of first Bronze Age settlement in the Maghreb
Researcher uncovers hidden copy of Shakespeare sonnet
What are the origins of the Asante's famous kente cloth? I traced its history to find out
Vesuvian ash cloud suspected of turning brain to glass

Other news

Chemical oscillations in palladium nanoparticles could pave way for recycling precious metal catalysts
Protoplanetary disks are much smaller than previously thought, new study finds
Plants & Animals
Tadpoles try to flee dangerous virus in their pond by growing much faster than normal, research shows
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How elephants plan their journeys: New study reveals energy-saving strategies
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'Half ice, half fire': Physicists discover new phase of matter in a magnetic material
Radioisotopic ages of newly discovered fossil sites hold clues to evolution of mammals
Astronomers provide insights into the hot gaseous halo of galaxy NGC 7793
Cell & Microbiology
How necrotic cells contribute to the body's regeneration process
Diagnostic technology achieves near 100% accuracy in pathogen identification within three hours
Bio & Medicine
DNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles are poised to bring gene therapy to common chronic diseases
Plants & Animals
A hit of dopamine tells baby birds when their song practice is paying off
Analytical Chemistry
Nickel(0) and boron—together at last in square-planar complexes
Magnetic 'microflowers' enhance local magnetic fields
Study unravels mystery of cancer-fueling enzyme, which could lead to new therapies
Analytical Chemistry
Oxygenation strategy provides facile route to long-wave infrared birefringent crystals
New spray technology helps pesticides stick to plant leaves to reduce polluting runoff
Social Sciences
Are dogs the new children? Birth rates and dog ownership analyzed in study
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Listening to quantum atoms talk together thanks to acoustics
Japanese scientists pioneer nonviral gene delivery in primates
Planetary Sciences
'Mars and Earth are even more different than we thought': Condensing 20 years of atmospheric wave observations

Ancient genomes link early Europeans to Neanderthal ancestry

After modern humans left Africa, they met and interbred with Neanderthals, resulting in around 2–3% Neanderthal DNA that can be found in the genomes of all people outside Africa today. However, little is known about the ...

Stone Age insights: Life, death and fire in ancient Ukraine

A research group led by Johannes Müller at the Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, at Kiel University, Germany, have shed light on the lives of people who lived over 5,600 years ago near Kosenivka, Ukraine.