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Controlling light while measuring trapped ion qubits

Quantum information is fragile and often difficult to protect during experiments. Protecting qubits from accidental measurements is essential for controlled quantum operations, especially during state-destroying measurements ...

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From branches to loops: The physics of transport networks in nature
Enhancing hurricane forecasts: Simulations reveal reducing estimates of atmospheric friction improves storm predictions
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Nonlinear optical metasurface achieves electrically tunable third-harmonic generation
Seal species carries 'genetic scars' after being hunted to the edge of extinction, new research reveals
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Scientists bring crystal clarity to diamond's quantum signals

They say that one can miss the forest for the trees. But it's often worth taking a closer look at the trees to make sense of the dense, brambly whole. That's what a Stanford University group did to tackle a thorny quantum-information ...

A framework to construct quantum spherical codes

To reliably perform complex, large-scale calculations, computing systems rely on so-called error correction schemes, techniques designed to protect information against errors. These techniques are perhaps even more essential ...

Using entangled particles to create unbreakable encryption

The discovery of quantum mechanics opened the door to fundamentally new ways of communicating, processing, and protecting data. With a quantum revolution well underway, long unimaginable opportunities are coming within our ...