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Researchers simulate novel metal-filtered VCSEL modal control

A study led by researchers from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences revealed a novel metal-dielectric film mode filter structure that can flexibly regulate transverse ...

Smartphone-based microscope rapidly reconstructs 3D holograms

Researchers have developed a new smartphone-based digital holographic microscope that enables precision 3D measurements. The highly portable and inexpensive microscope could help bring 3D measurement capabilities to a broader ...

Unique nanodisk pushes photonics research forward

Photonic applications harness the power of light-matter interactions to generate various intriguing phenomena. This has enabled major advances in communications, medicine, and spectroscopy, among others, and is also used ...

Scientists prove long-standing wave amplification theory

Physicists at the University of Southampton have tested and proven a 50-year-old theory for the first time using electro-magnetic waves. They have shown that the energy of waves can be increased by bouncing "twisted waves"—those ...

More news

Optics & Photonics
A window into the body: New technique makes skin invisible
Optics & Photonics
Novel metasurface enables temperature-adaptive radiative cooling
Condensed Matter
Optoelectronic diamond device reveals an unexpected phenomenon reminiscent of lightning in slow motion
Optics & Photonics
Entangled photon pairs enable hidden image encoding
Optics & Photonics
Scientists demonstrate octave-spanning soliton frequency combs on thin-film lithium niobate
Optics & Photonics
Long-range-interacting topological photonic lattices breaking channel-bandwidth limit
Optics & Photonics
Beyond point-to-point triangulation: Dynamic 3D imaging under global illumination
Condensed Matter
Researchers demonstrate spontaneous synchronization of quantum vortices in semiconductor microcavities
Optics & Photonics
The world's fastest single-shot 2D imaging technique films ultrafast dynamics in flames
Optics & Photonics
Study: Giant ultrafast dichroism and birefringence with active nonlocal metasurfaces
Optics & Photonics
A device to sort photon states could be useful for quantum optical computer circuits
Condensed Matter
Creating an 'imprint' on a super photon
Optics & Photonics
On the way to optical logic gates: Study demonstrates the basics for purely optical processing of information
Optics & Photonics
Experiments demonstrates chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Optics & Photonics
Scientists demonstrate giant THz Kerr effect via stimulated phonon polaritons
Optics & Photonics
Replica symmetry breaking in 1D Rayleigh scattering system: Theory and validations
Optics & Photonics
Study: Quantum-dot-enabled infrared hyperspectral imaging with single-pixel detection
Optics & Photonics
Copper iodide nanoclusters offer environment-friendly solution for healthy lighting
Optics & Photonics
Researchers present new diagnostic tool for laser-plasma accelerator using metal foil as 3D scanner
Optics & Photonics
Complete-basis-reprogrammable coding metasurface for generating dynamically-controlled holograms

Other news

Plants & Animals
Biologists find that hardship early in life can affect health and longevity—even for marmots
Plants & Animals
Possum shrimp use their cave's special smell to trace their way home, study finds
Researchers test ChatGPT, other AI models against real-world students
Bio & Medicine
Researchers develop new method for delivering RNA and drugs into cells
Earth Sciences
Study finds mine-drainage treatment cost effective, but far more costs lay ahead
Earth Sciences
New algorithm rights wrongs of precipitation-type classification over Tibetan Plateau
Cell & Microbiology
Scientists discover how TGF-Beta sends its message even while tethered to the cell membrane
Earth Sciences
An AI tool for scanning sand grains opens windows into recent time and the deep past
Plants & Animals
Scientists discover nonstomatal control of water loss in critical crops
Plants & Animals
Researchers find golden eagles improve their flight skills with age
Optogenetic control reveals collective cell behavior
Designing a better water filter: A fabric-like filter to remove tiny plastics and lead from drinking water
Plants & Animals
New 'grumpy' fish species discovered in the Red Sea
The 15-minute city: Why time shouldn't be the only factor in future city planning
General Physics
Energy-saving computing with magnetic whirls
Condensed Matter
Tunable nonlinear Hall effect observed at room temperature in tellurium
Beyond displays: Liquid crystals in motion mimic biological systems
Paleontology & Fossils
Paleontologists find omnivorous ancestor of the giant panda, revealing it was not always just a bamboo eater
Analytical Chemistry
Using sunlight to turn greenhouse gases into valuable chemicals
Earth Sciences
Comprehensive model uses airborne LiDAR data to predict walking travel times with unprecedented accuracy

New tech enables deep tissue imaging during surgery

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a state-of-the-art technique that captures and processes information across a given electromagnetic spectrum. Unlike traditional imaging techniques that capture light intensity at specific wavelengths, ...

Optical barcodes expand range of high-resolution sensor

The same geometric quirk that lets visitors murmur messages around the circular dome of the whispering gallery at St. Paul's Cathedral in London or across St. Louis Union Station's whispering arch also enables the construction ...

Unveiling a new quantum frontier: Frequency-domain entanglement

Scientists have introduced a form of quantum entanglement known as frequency-domain photon number-path entanglement. This advance in quantum physics involves an innovative tool called a frequency beam splitter, which has ...

IRIS beamline at BESSY II gets a new nanospectroscopy end station

The IRIS infrared beamline at the BESSY II storage ring now offers a fourth option for characterizing materials, cells and even molecules on different length scales. The team has extended the IRIS beamline with an end station ...