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Scientists develop new technique for bespoke optical tweezers

Scientists have developed a new way to trap small particles with light. Building on the Nobel Prize winning technique of optical tweezers (Arthur Ashkin, 2018), a team of physicists, led by Dr. David Phillips at the University ...

Novel design for fast, sensitive high-energy photon detector

Prof. Long Shibing and his team from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have proposed a novel strategy for a high-energy photon detector with high sensitivity ...

New shapes of photons open doors to advanced optical technologies

Researchers from the University of Twente in the Netherlands have gained important insights into photons, the elementary particles that make up light. They 'behave' in an amazingly greater variety than electrons surrounding ...

More news

Optics & Photonics
Researchers develop low-cost light sheet fluorescence microscope
Optics & Photonics
When ultrashort electron bunch accelerates and drastically stops, it can generate terahertz radiation
Optics & Photonics
Updating the textbook on polarization in gallium nitride to optimize wide bandgap semiconductors
Optics & Photonics
New method for generating monochromatic light in storage rings
Optics & Photonics
New computational microscopy technique provides more direct route to crisp images
Optics & Photonics
Researchers develop technology to mass produce quantum dot lasers for optical communications
Optics & Photonics
Coherent beam combining-an alternative scheme for delivering high average power femtosecond laser at 2.0 ÎĽm
Optics & Photonics
Time-compression in electron microscopy: Terahertz light controls and characterizes electrons in space and time
General Physics
Researchers capture detailed picture of electron acceleration in one shot
Optics & Photonics
Engineers produce the world's first practical Titanium-sapphire laser on a chip
Optics & Photonics
World record 402 Tb/s transmission in a standard commercially available optical fiber
Optics & Photonics
Determining refractive index at relativistic speeds
Condensed Matter
Study highlights potential of ultrafast laser processing for next-gen devices
General Physics
Event camera integrates Fourier light field microscopy for ultrafast 3D imaging
Optics & Photonics
Researchers move floating objects with soundwaves
Optics & Photonics
Quantum state mixing in photobiology: New insight from ultrafast terahertz Stark spectroscopy
Optics & Photonics
New paradigm in photothermal therapy: Researchers develop ultrasound-assisted photothermal therapy technology
Condensed Matter
New techniques reveal properties of solid-state chiral materials
Optics & Photonics
Manipulating the frequency of terahertz signals through temporal boundaries
Optics & Photonics
Novel application of optical tweezers colorfully shows molecular energy transfer

Other news

Cell & Microbiology
Bacterial glitter: New findings open up possibilities for sustainable color technologies
Ancient dingo DNA shows modern dingoes share little ancestry with modern dog breeds
Quantum Physics
A new approach to realize quantum mechanical squeezing
Earth Sciences
Polar warming may be underestimated by climate models, ~50 million year old climate variability suggests
Cell & Microbiology
New discovery boosts bioethanol production efficiency and profits
Astronomers find surprising ice world in the habitable zone with JWST data
Plants & Animals
New study augments distribution and reproduction data for little-known female Oceania fantail rays
Analytical Chemistry
Textile scientists offer fresh insights on why some clothes get smellier
Two new variable stars detected in globular cluster NGC 6558
Plants & Animals
Brain size riddle solved as humans exceed evolutionary trend
Study projects major changes in North Atlantic and Arctic marine ecosystems due to climate change
Lithium ion batteries a growing source of PFAS pollution, study finds
Quantum Physics
Researchers realize time reversal through input-output indefiniteness
Earth Sciences
Researchers use 1,000 historical photos to reconstruct Antarctic glaciers before a dramatic collapse
Analytical Chemistry
Unlocking the potential of anti-perovskites through a convenient one-step synthesis route
Plants & Animals
Restored oyster sanctuaries host more marine life despite parasites, biologists discover
Features of H5N1 influenza viruses in dairy cows may facilitate infection, transmission in mammals
Plants & Animals
Color of mother hen impacts chick learning efficiency, study shows
Bio & Medicine
Team uses 'nanoruler' to determine threshold for tissue permeability of brain tumors
Researchers predict new phase in neutron stars that favors 'nuclear pasta'

Combating counterfeiting: Advanced hologram protection invented

Counterfeiting of various documents, banknotes, or tickets is a common problem that can be encountered in everyday life, even when shopping. Recognizing the scale and seriousness of the problem, researchers at Kaunas University ...

Spectroscopy and theory shed light on excitons in semiconductors

From solar panels on our roofs to the new OLED TV screens, many everyday electronic devices simply wouldn't work without the interaction between light and the materials that make up semiconductors. A new category of semiconductors ...

A method to accurately center quantum dots within photonic chips

Devices that capture the brilliant light from millions of quantum dots, including chip-scale lasers and optical amplifiers, have made the transition from laboratory experiments to commercial products. But newer types of quantum-dot ...

Projection mapping leaves the darkness behind

Images projected onto objects in the real world create impressive displays that educate and entertain. However, current projection mapping systems all have one common limitation: they only work well in the dark. In a study ...

Holographic message encoded in simple plastic

There are many ways to store data—digitally, on a hard disk, or using analog storage technology, for example as a hologram. In most cases, it is technically quite complicated to create a hologram: High-precision laser technology ...