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Seeing the color of entangled photons in molecular systems

Spectroscopy is the study of how matter absorbs and emits light and other radiation. It allows scientists to study the structure of atoms and molecules, including the energy levels of their electrons. Classical optical spectroscopy ...

Physicists create optical component for 6G

A joint team of physicists from Skoltech, MIPT, and ITMO developed an optical component that helps manage the properties of a terahertz beam and split it into several channels. The new device can be used as a modulator and ...

A new simple scheme for atom interferometry

Atom interferometers are devices that use the wave characteristics of matter to measure the phase between atomic matter waves to separate paths to make high-precision measurements of elements of physics, such as gravitational ...

Researchers use AI to boost image quality of metalens camera

Researchers have leveraged deep learning techniques to enhance the image quality of a metalens camera. The new approach uses artificial intelligence to turn low-quality images into high-quality ones, which could make these ...

More news

Optics & Photonics
Scientists create an 'optical conveyor belt' for quasiparticles
Optics & Photonics
Metalens expands its reach from light to sound
Optics & Photonics
New surface acoustic wave techniques could lead to surfing a quantum internet
Optics & Photonics
Exploring the ultrasmall and ultrafast through advances in attosecond science
Optics & Photonics
Scientists discover 'weird' statistics of electrons ejected by intense quantum light
Optics & Photonics
Smaller laser facility uses new method to exceed previous record for proton acceleration
Optics & Photonics
Optical power evolution in fiber-optic networks: New framework for better modeling and control
Optics & Photonics
Single pixel imaging enabled by fiber laser arrays is expected to achieve remote detection
Optics & Photonics
Team observes two distinct holographic patterns with ultrafast imaging
Optics & Photonics
Parity-time symmetry: Unlocking faster and stronger optical signal processing
Optics & Photonics
Visual observation of photonic Floquet–Bloch oscillations
Optics & Photonics
Strategy uses boron-nitrogen covalent bonds to enable high-performance narrowband electroluminescence
Optics & Photonics
Information-entropy enabled identifying topological photonic phase in real space
Optics & Photonics
Researchers harness blurred light to 3D-print high-quality optical components
Optics & Photonics
Study demonstrates fast photoionization detection of single erbium ions in silicon
Optics & Photonics
Researchers demonstrate low-loss and polarization-independent integrated optical colorless ROADM
Optics & Photonics
Organic infrared photodetectors offer advance in imaging technology
Optics & Photonics
Physicists reach atomic-scale telegraphy with light
Optics & Photonics
The interference of many atoms, and a new approach to boson sampling
Condensed Matter
Fundamental and photodetector application of van der Waals Schottky junctions

Other news

Using wobbling stellar material, astronomers measure the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time
First observation of a focused plasma wave on the sun
The tunable coupling of two distant superconducting spin qubits
Ancient Mycenaean armor tested by Marines and pronounced suitable for extended combat
Kenyan fishers face increased drowning risk from climate change
Cell & Microbiology
A merger of microbes: Study shows low-nutrient conditions alter viral infection
Plants & Animals
Community science volunteers can set scientific world abuzz with new bumble bee sightings
Earth Sciences
Study finds sea-level rise and weather-related shocks caused Louisiana marsh to die back
Space Exploration
NASA's Psyche fires up its sci-fi-worthy thrusters
Ancient people hunted now extinct elephants at Tagua Tagua Lake in Chile 12,000 years ago, study finds
Cell & Microbiology
Repurposed protease controls important signaling molecule-activating protein
Molecular & Computational biology
Escaped GMO canola plants persist long-term, but may be losing their engineered resistance to pesticides
Plants & Animals
Study reveals cuddled cows who work as therapy animals show a strong preference for women compared to men
Sustainable, high-performance paper coating material could reduce microplastic pollution
Astronomers observe jet reorientation in 'Death Star' black holes
Study maps human uptake of microplastics across 109 countries
Cell & Microbiology
How yeasts manage to compensate for the genetic imbalance of extra chromosomes
Ancient DNA study reveals population history of Western Tibetan Plateau
General Physics
Researchers show how to use 'topological tweezers' to control active fluids
Condensed Matter
Artificial nanomagnets inspire mechanical system with memory capability

General deep learning framework for emissivity engineering

Wavelength-selective thermal emitters (WS-TEs) have been frequently designed to achieve desired target emissivity spectra, as in typical emissivity engineering, for broad applications such as thermal camouflage, radiative ...

Versatile light control in WSe₂ achieved

Researchers have successfully manipulated distinct exciton species within a hybrid monolayer WSe2-Ag nanowire structure. By exploiting the unique valley-spin locked band structures and electron-hole configurations of TMDs, ...