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Creating an 'imprint' on a super photon

Thousands of light particles can merge into a type of "super photon" under certain conditions. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now been able to use "tiny nano molds" to influence the design of this so-called Bose-Einstein ...

Physicists predict existence of new exciton type

Bruno Uchoa, a professor of condensed matter physics, and Hong-yi Xie, a postdoctoral fellow in condensed matter physics at the University of Oklahoma, have published research in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Sound drives 'quantum jumps' between electron orbits

Cornell University researchers have demonstrated that acoustic sound waves can be used to control the motion of an electron as it orbits a lattice defect in a diamond, a technique that can potentially improve the sensitivity ...

Scientists uncover exciton behavior in van der Waals magnets

A research group led by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory has uncovered details about the formation and behavior of mobile, microscopic, particle-like objects called "excitons" ...

A new approach to fine-tuning quantum materials

Quantum materials—those with electronic properties that are governed by the principles of quantum mechanics, such as correlation and entanglement—can exhibit exotic behaviors under certain conditions, such as the ability ...

More news

Condensed Matter
Hidden harmonies: Team discovers magnon–phonon Fermi resonance in an antiferromagnet
Condensed Matter
Researchers suggest a new method for determining atomic charges in materials
Condensed Matter
Can quantum particles mimic gravitational waves?
General Physics
Physicists report new insights into exotic particles key to magnetism
Condensed Matter
A camera trap for the invisible—a solution to difficult pattern recognition problem in experimental particle physics
Condensed Matter
Atomic 'GPS' elucidates movement during ultrafast material transitions
Condensed Matter
'Kink state' control may provide pathway to quantum electronics
Condensed Matter
'Miracle' filter turns store-bought LEDs into spintronic devices
Condensed Matter
A step closer to optical computers: Researchers develop an all-optical universal gate
Condensed Matter
Save your data on printable magnetic devices? New laser technique's twist might make this reality
Condensed Matter
Physicists control electronic properties of moiré crystals
Condensed Matter
Synthesis of a new compound with excellent intrinsic magnetic properties using smaller amounts of rare earth elements
Condensed Matter
The experimental observation of a dissipative time crystal in a Rydberg gas
Condensed Matter
Spontaneous supercrystal discovered in switching metal-insulator
Condensed Matter
A new way to control the magnetic properties of rare earth elements
Condensed Matter
A microscopic factory for small runners: New method uses magnetic loops for growth control
Condensed Matter
Paving the way to extremely fast, compact computer memory
Condensed Matter
Physicists develop new theorems to describe the energy landscape formed when quantum particles gather together
Condensed Matter
A new approach to accelerate the discovery of quantum materials
Condensed Matter
AI method radically speeds predictions of materials' thermal properties

Other news

Planetary Sciences
Engineers smash rocks to see what occurs when top layer of an asteroid-like object is hit with extreme external force
Analytical Chemistry
Copper-based catalyst paves the way for sustainable ammonia production
Earth Sciences
Electricity generated by earthquakes might be the secret behind giant gold nuggets
Optics & Photonics
A device to sort photon states could be useful for quantum optical computer circuits
Geoinformatics: Using AI to take better aim against mosquitoes
Researchers explore the nature of a newborn stellar cluster
Earth Sciences
Hillside erosion worsening in California due to wildfires and intense rain
Optics & Photonics
On the way to optical logic gates: Study demonstrates the basics for purely optical processing of information
Earth Sciences
Amazon rainforest fires produce secondary ultrafine particles that may affect weather and climate
Earth Sciences
New evidence supports theory that oxygen isotope ratio in seawater slowly increased over last 540 million years
Inside the 'golden age' of alien hunting at the Green Bank Telescope
Optics & Photonics
Experiments demonstrates chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Chemists find new pharmaceutically active substances from billions of newly combined molecules
Cell & Microbiology
Cytophysics: How cells migrate through gaps smaller than their nucleus
Quantum Physics
Researcher discusses a new type of collective interference effect
Global South cities lack cooling green spaces
Depolymerization method achieves exclusive chemical recycling of PET from cloth waste and plastic waste mixtures
Cell & Microbiology
Cells use alternative splicing to regulate gene expression, research suggests
Earth Sciences
The risk of global water scarcity is greater when accounting for the origin of rain, study shows
Earth Sciences
Predicting avalanches: Fracture characteristics of anticracks in highly porous materials

Simulating magnetization in a Heisenberg quantum spin chain

The rapid progress of quantum simulators is now enabling them to study problems that before have been limited to the domain of theoretical physics and numerical simulation. A team of researchers at Google Quantum AI and their ...

Team creates cooperative exciton-polariton condensate

Superfluorescence (SF), as a cooperative radiation effect originating from vacuum quantum fluctuations, is an ideal platform for studying many-body correlation mechanisms in an exciton ensemble, and for developing optically ...