Retrofitting of historical buildings requires multiple expertise

Historical buildings and town quarters are an integral part of the European cultural heritage. However, such buildings are often not very energy efficient and thus contribute substantially to the emission of greenhouse gases. ...

Money-saving small wind turbines—myth or reality?

Small wind turbines promise a decentralised and clean energy source, but what can be done to make them more cost effective? At the moment, better use of feed-in tariffs is recognised as a potentially effective tool for boosting ...

Bacteria to spot pollution

Scientists are recruiting bacteria to spot pollutants spilling into our rivers and lakes.

Maggots may provide protein for future animal feed

Relying on proteins from fast-growing insects such as maggots presents many advantages, but we need a better knowledge of these protein sources before they can be turned into animal feed

Low energy district renovation

Renovations of entire districts, designed to reach near zero energy consumption, need to be replicable if they are to be widely adopted.

Indian drought risk, as Himalayan glaciers retreat

Studying the retreat of glaciers in the Himalayas and its effect on monsoon, may lead to scientific recommendations. But the cultural barrier to change may be too high for local people to adopt them.

Nylons made from shrimps

Scientists are investigating how shell waste from crustaceans could be turned into polymer precursors as a substitute to petroleum-derived solutions.

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