is an independent non-profit media agency promoting the leading-edge European innovation via TV media and the web. designs and implements media communication strategies for large research organisations and EU-funded projects and is able to establish permanent links between the research communities and the media. To date, more than 120 EU-funded projects and independent research organisations successfully exploited the platform to implement their communication strategy towards the media and the general public.

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New blades and generators for more efficient small wind turbines

Small wind turbines, for domestic and small scale commercial use, are currently relatively expensive and struggle to compete with solar solutions. The key to increasing their competitiveness is bringing down their cost and ...

Wind energy costs approach nonrenewable levels

Wind energy and other renewables can now supply electricity at highly cost effective levels—and it's happened so rapidly that public perception is yet to catch up

Nanostructures improve solar cell efficiency

To make solar cells a competitive alternative to other renewable energy sources, researchers are investigating different alternatives. A step in the right direction is through new processes that change the surfaces of silicon ...

Sorting plastic waste: A magnetic game

More than one third of the total plastic production in Europe—about 14 million tonnes per year—are polyolefins, also known as polyalkenes. This is a family of polymers used for the manufacture of a variety of products, ...

Can plastic be made from algae?

Algae are an interesting natural resource because they proliferate quickly. They are not impinging on food production. And they need nothing but sunlight and a bit of waste water to grow on. Scientists working for theSPLASH ...

Radar exposing water leaks

A wide range of technologies deal with water leaks. But the most recent innovative solutions aim to be far more effective than any other prior technologies.

The way to more efficient, quieter wind turbines

A European research project aims to reduce the cost of wind energy generation by introducing technical improvements to turbines, which will have to be much quieter in the future than is the case today

Processing power beyond Moore's Law

In 1965, businessman and computer scientist Gordon Moore observed that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years, which means a doubling of computer processing power. The ...

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