New marmoset species discovered in Brazilian Amazon

A team of scientists has discovered a new marmoset species in the Brazilian Amazon. Schneider's marmoset (Mico schneideri), described in the latest issue of the journal Scientific Reports, is named after professor Horacio ...

4 years after tsunami: Corals stage comeback

A team of scientists from the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has reported a rapid recovery of coral reefs in areas of Indonesia, following the tsunami that devastated coastal regions throughout the Indian ...

New national park protects world's rarest gorilla

The Wildlife Conservation Society, the Government of Cameroon, and other partners have collaborated to create a new national park to help protect the world's most endangered great ape: the Cross River gorilla.

African rodent uses 'poison arrow' toxin to deter predators

Woe to the clueless predator trying to make a meal of the African crested rat, a rodent that applies poisonous plant toxin to sponge-like hairs on its flanks, a discovery recently made by Jonathan Kingdon and colleagues from ...

New analysis shows threats to 8K Red List species

Less than a month away from the kick-off the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, a team of scientists report in the journal Nature that three quarters of the world's threatened species are imperiled because people ...

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