Eagle vs. deer

A camera trap set out for endangered Siberian (Amur) tigers in the Russian Far East photographed something far more rare: a golden eagle capturing a young sika deer.

Massive carbon credit sale announced in Madagascar

The Government of Madagascar and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced today that 705,588 carbon credits are certified for sale from the Makira Forest REDD+ Project. WCS estimates that it will prevent the release ...

New world map for overcoming climate change

Using data from the world's ecosystems and predictions of how climate change will impact them, scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society, the University of Queensland, and Stanford University have produced a roadmap ...

Huge owls need huge trees

A study spearheaded by the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Minnesota has shown that the world's largest owl—and one of the rarest—is also a key indicator of the health of some of the last great primary ...

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