Efficient use of fertilisers on dairy farms

Nitrogen and phosphate are important fertilisers. But excessive amounts often found in fields and pastures end up polluting the ground and surface water. Furthermore, dairy farmers are squandering their profits by wasting ...

Tulips free of stem nematodes thanks to hot water treatment

Tulip bulbs are susceptible to stem nematodes. Growers live in fear of the small pathogens as just one affected bulb can be disastrous for an entire batch. Moreover, until, very recently the standard hot water treatment remedy ...

How to ensure more earwigs in the orchard

Why does one orchard have many earwigs while another has only few? And if only a few are present, how can one ensure more are in place? This is the subject of a new research project by the Dutch fruit growers association ...

Butterfly eggs alert mustard plant to voracious caterpillars

Mustard plants are able to defend themselves against voracious caterpillars before these emerge from their eggs. As butterflies lay eggs, a substance is released that the plant recognises, thus activating a series of defence ...

Mountain climbing more dangerous due to climate change

Climate change increases the danger of falling rocks in the Alps and other mountain regions, adding to existing risks for mountain climbers. This is the conclusion of a study by Arnaud Temme of Wageningen University using ...

Valuable peatlands at risk of disappearing

Peatlands are valuable ecosystems that store water and large quantities of carbon and that support high biodiversity. However, 20 percent of the European raised bog habitat is currently under threat from climate change and ...

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