Wageningen University and Research Centre (also known as Wageningen UR; abbreviation: WUR) is a Dutch public university in Wageningen, The Netherlands. It consists of Wageningen University, the Van Hall-Larenstein School of Higher Professional Education, and the former agricultural research institutes (Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek) of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture. Wageningen UR trains specialists (BSc, MSc and PhD) in life sciences and focuses its research on scientific, social and commercial problems in the field of life sciences and natural resources. In the field of agricultural science, the university is considered world-class. Wageningen University was established in 1918 and is the successor to the Agricultural School founded there in 1876. Wageningen University offers undergraduate and professional degrees, including doctorates. The university has about 6,000 students from 105 countries. Its core focus is the life and agricultural sciences. It is a member of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) university network.

Costerweg 50 Building no. 400, Wageningen, Netherlands, Netherlands

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Dutch winter bee mortality rate above 20%, finds annual survey

In the winter of 2023–2024, 21.2% of the Dutch population of honeybee colonies died. While this mortality rate is lower than that of the previous winter, it still represents a worryingly high number of bee colonies that ...