Merging galaxies illuminate the cosmic food chain

( —Scientists studying a 'twin' of the Milky Way have used the W. M. Keck Observatory and Subaru Observatory to accurately model how it is swallowing another, smaller galaxy. Their findings have opened the way ...

Water vapor detected in the atmosphere of a hot Jupiter

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) astronomers using data gathered at the W. M. Keck Observatory have developed a new technique for planetary scientists that could provide insight into how many water planets like ...

Kepler team validates 41 new exoplanets with Keck I

( —The Kepler team today reports on four years of observations from the W. M. Keck Observatory targeting Kepler's exoplanet systems, announcing results this week at the American Astronomical Society meeting in ...

Keck observatory redirects photons to save

If you have been through Waimea lately, you've probably noticed a great deal of work taking place on the roofs of the W. M. Keck Observatory headquarters buildings, with installers scrambling across the blue rooftops, carrying ...

Telescopes large and small team up to study triple asteroid

( —Combining observations from the world's largest telescopes with small telescopes used by amateur astronomers, a team of scientists discovered that the large main-belt asteroid (87) Sylvia has a complex interior, ...

International team strengthens Big Bang Theory

( —An international team of scientists using the most powerful telescope on Earth has discovered the moments just after the Big Bang happened more like the theory predicts, eliminating a significant discrepancy ...

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