Virginia Tech, (VT) was established as a land grant university in 1872, located in Blackburn, Virginia. VT offers 80 bachelor degree programs, 140 master's degree programs and doctoral degree programs in eight colleges. The student body is over 30,700 students. Notable departments include, Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The School of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering are rated highly by ranking panels. VT is in the process of opening graduate degree programs in the Middle East and Africa. Currently, VT operates in the Dominican Republic and Switzerland.

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New discovery may be breakthrough for hydrogen cars

A team of Virginia Tech researchers has discovered a way to create hydrogen fuel using a biological method that greatly reduces the time and money it takes to produce the zero-emissions fuel. This method uses abundantly available ...

Study finds people who feed birds impact conservation

People in many parts of the world feed birds in their backyards, often due to a desire to help wildlife or to connect with nature. In the United States alone, over 57 million households in the feed backyard birds, spending ...

Critical observations reveal sinking coasts

It's been said that a rug can really tie a room together. In a similar fashion, Manoochehr Shirzaei and his research team are hoping that weaving together millions of data points into terrain-covering, digital maps can help ...

Researchers develop energy-dense sugar battery

A Virginia Tech research team has developed a battery that runs on sugar and has an unmatched energy density, a development that could replace conventional batteries with ones that are cheaper, refillable, and biodegradable.

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