Study shows electric cars bring environmental benefits

( —If electric vehicles were widely available, New Zealanders would buy enough of them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector by one-fifth over the next 18 years, new research from Victoria ...

Solving a moving problem

Victoria University graduand Ben Drayton has come up with a way to help solve the problem of measuring distance to a moving object.

Student develops portable X-ray system

( —An X-ray imaging system developed by Victoria University researcher Nicola Winch could open the way for X-rays to be carried out in a range of new environments.

Southern Alps glaciers reducing rapidly

Historic records show Franz Josef Glacier retreated three kilometres in the last century and mathematical modeling indicates it is likely to retreat even more this century.

Close encounters with tuatara

Anna Carter is conducting a climate modelling study on Stephens Island in Cook Strait, home to New Zealand's largest tuatara population.

Smart solution for seismic shaking

Pioneering technology developed at Victoria University has been shown to protect valuable equipment from up to 90 per cent of the forces generated by earthquakes.

Could coral reefs become sponge reefs in the future?

International research has suggested that many coral species won't survive beyond the end of this century, but marine biologists at Victoria University are offering an alternative scenario.

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