Database holds Earth's 2,000 year climate history

Climate scientists will be able to more accurately study Earth's temperature changes, thanks to a global database compiled with the help of a Victoria University of Wellington and GNS Science researcher.

Is building bigger houses a waste of energy?

Research by Iman Khajehzadeh, who graduates with a PhD in Architecture next week, explores the significance of housing decisions on the use of resources and impact on the environment.

Explaining New Zealand's unusual growing glaciers

Newly published research shows regional climate variability caused an "unusual" period in which some of New Zealand's glaciers grew bigger, while glaciers worldwide were shrinking.

Taranaki's unusual earthquakes

New research from Victoria University of Wellington suggests a cluster of deep earthquakes beneath Taranaki may provide a vital clue to understanding how New Zealand's landmass was created.

The role of climate change in historic drought

Led by Luke Harrington and Professor David Frame from the New Zealand Climate Change Research Institute, the research measured the likelihood of extreme weather patterns occurring in modern day New Zealand compared to weather ...

Designer's 3-D prosthesis makes waves

For his Master's research, Stuart focused on restoring balance for trans-tibial amputees while swimming—a solution that would improve accessibility and enjoyment, and make it easier for those with below-the-knee amputations ...

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