Baby boomers open up about old age

Kathy Glasgow, who is graduating with a PhD in Social Policy this week, interviewed mid-life baby boomers around New Zealand to explore their views about old age and compare their expectations and values with current policies ...

New book seeks to address child poverty

A new book by a professor of Public Policy at Victoria University and a University of Otago academic sends some clear messages around what can be done to alleviate child poverty in New Zealand.

World's wildlife critical to the economies of nations

Wildlife is critical to the economies of nations. New Zealand's wildlife – whales, dolphins, red deer, thar, albatross, kiwi, tuatara, fish and kauri – attract tourists. And the tourists who come to see or hunt our wildlife ...

Yellow light for forest-saving programme in Indonesia

Dr Andrew McGregor, from Victoria's School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, has been working with a team of international experts examining the societal impacts of the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and ...

Deep fault drilling project

It rains a lot in the tiny south Westland town of Whataroa. Every year, this region gets some of the highest rainfall totals recorded anywhere in the World and Whataroa is one of the wetter parts. The town is nestled beneath ...

Justice inconsistent across New Zealand

Wayne Goodall, who will graduate with a PhD in Criminology tomorrow (Thursday), found that offenders committing similar crimes received different sentences depending on the location of the sentencing. Provincial circuits ...

Combating bullying in New Zealand

Victoria University of Wellington's Accent Learning is rolling out a new bullying prevention programme for schools—a first for the Southern Hemisphere.

Managing land into the future

Food production is the backbone of New Zealand's economy—and a computer modelling programme designed by a Victoria University of Wellington academic is helping ensure that farming practices here and overseas are as sustainable ...

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