Creating low-cost solar energy

Work by PhD student Alex Barker, under the supervision of Dr Justin Hodgkiss, a senior lecturer in the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, is helping to improve the efficiency of next generation solar cells made from ...

Southern Alps glaciers reducing rapidly

Historic records show Franz Josef Glacier retreated three kilometres in the last century and mathematical modeling indicates it is likely to retreat even more this century.

Could coral reefs become sponge reefs in the future?

International research has suggested that many coral species won't survive beyond the end of this century, but marine biologists at Victoria University are offering an alternative scenario.

The problem with our electricity industry

For decades now the electricity industry has relentlessly gouged monopoly profits and functionless rents out of hapless residential consumers, while government ministers, officials, inquiries and "regulatory" agencies have ...

Acidic oceans could aid photosynthesis

( -- Groundbreaking Victoria University research shows that ocean acidification may have no negative effect on tropical corals and local sea anemones - in fact it may improve photosynthesis.

Designer's 3-D prosthesis makes waves

For his Master's research, Stuart focused on restoring balance for trans-tibial amputees while swimming—a solution that would improve accessibility and enjoyment, and make it easier for those with below-the-knee amputations ...

A grim future for coral reefs—why it matters for New Zealand

The outlook for coral reefs around the world is bleak—predictions are that they could be completely gone in just a few decades. Coral reefs are a vital part of marine ecosystems but are being destroyed by global warming ...

Alpine Fault theory takes shape

The Alpine Fault has been assumed to be a near vertical crack, however, research published last year by Victoria scientists suggests that the fault curves under the Earth's crust.

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