Quantum light source could pave the way to a quantum internet

The ability to integrate fiber-based quantum information technology into existing optical networks would be a significant step toward applications in quantum communication. To achieve this, quantum light sources must be able ...

How do neutrons interact with reactor materials?

Many applications rely on global theoretical models of how neutrons interact with nuclei over a wide range of incident neutron energies. These applications range from energy production to homeland security to medical treatments. ...

Microbes in Arctic soils are primed to react to climate change

Global warming is heating the Arctic faster than the rest of the planet. Svalbard, an archipelago north of Norway, is warming even faster than the remainder of the Arctic, making it a "canary in a coalmine" for climate change ...

Watching plants switch on genes using a fluorescent protein

Biologists often use green fluorescent protein (GFP) to see what happens inside cells. GFP, which scientists first isolated in jellyfish, is a protein that changes light from one color into another. Attaching it to other ...

How stiff is the proton?

The proton is a composite particle made up of fundamental building blocks of quarks and gluons. These components and their interactions determine the proton's structure, including its electrical charges and currents. This ...

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