Uppsala University was established by papal bull in 1477 in Uppsala, Sweden. Uppsala University's history reads like a tapestry of conflicts in academic freedom, political and religious factors in education. It is one of the oldest universities in Europe. Following the Reformation and the establishment of Lutheranism in Sweden in 1593, Uppsala broadened the scope of education from classical canon law, medicine and Latin to include general natural science, astronomy, physics and mathematics. Today, Uppsala University has a student body of 20,000 undergraduate, graduate students and 2,000 doctoral students Uppsala University is credited with 15 Nobel Laureates and numerous research discoveries. Physician and Botanist Carl Linneaus and Anders Celsius, physicist transformed scientific inquiry in their respective disciplines.

P.O. Box 256 SE-751 05 Uppsala, SWEDEN

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First genetic proof that women were Viking warriors

New DNA evidence uncovered by researchers at Uppsala University and Stockholm University shows that there were in fact female Viking warriors. The remains of an iconic Swedish Viking Age grave now reveal that war was not ...

Our universe: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension

Uppsala University researchers have devised a new model for the universe – one that may solve the enigma of dark energy. Their new article, published in Physical Review Letters, proposes a new structural concept, including ...

Oldest sea reptile from Age of Dinosaurs found on Arctic island

For nearly 190 years, scientists have searched for the origins of ancient sea-going reptiles from the Age of Dinosaurs. Now a team of Swedish and Norwegian paleontologists has discovered remains of the earliest known ichthyosaur("fish-lizard") ...

Syntax is not unique to human language

Human communication is powered by rules for combining words to generate novel meanings. Such syntactical rules have long been assumed to be unique humans. A new study, published in Nature Communications, show that Japanese ...

The Tree of Life may be a bush

New species evolve whenever a lineage splits off into several. Because of this, the kinship between species is often described in terms of a 'tree of life", where every branch constitutes a species. Now, researchers at Uppsala ...

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