Swedish workers among Europe's best-paid in late 1800s

In 19th-century Sweden, workers' wages rose faster than in other European countries. By 1900, they were among the highest in Europe, and the steepest rise of all had been for those who earned least. This is shown by new research ...

Advanced technology sheds new light on evolution of teeth

The evolution of human teeth began among ancient armored fishes more than 400 million years ago. In the scientific journal Science, an international team led by researchers from Uppsala University presents groundbreaking ...

Palm trees most abundant in American rainforests

Characteristics of palm trees differ from those of other tropical trees in many ways. In a major new study led by scientists at Uppsala University, Sweden, and University of Campinas, Brazil, they have surveyed the actual ...

Molecular simulations show how drugs block key receptors

Many pharmaceuticals work by targeting what are known as 'G-protein-coupled receptors.' In a new study, scientists from Uppsala University describe how they have been able to predict how special molecules that can be used ...

Ancient enzymes can contribute to greener chemistry

A research team at Uppsala University has resurrected several-billion-year-old enzymes and reprogrammed them to catalyze completely different chemical reactions than their modern versions can manage. The method can be used ...

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