Student scratches out an idea for app

Tired of buying scratch lottery tickets, only to come up empty handed? Chris Lange is confident his latest app will give you the "best bang for your buck" next time you get lotto fever.

Researcher sets eyes on Saturn's largest moon

Co-led by a Western space scientist, NASA is exploring a revolutionary plan that could see a drone-like quadcopter buzz above the surface of Saturn's largest moon.

Study explores benefits of workplace neurodiversity

Historically, companies have asked employees to 'trim away' their irregularities; it's easier to fit people together if they are all perfect rectangles. But 'fit' often required employees to leave their differences at home.

Research team solves Martian meteorite age puzzle

By directing energy beams at tiny crystals found in a Martian meteorite, a Western University-led team of geologists has proved that the most common group of meteorites from Mars is almost 4 billion years younger than many ...

Gender verification called into question

With graceful strides across the finish line and a smile breaking across her face, South African 800m runner Caster Semenya raised a finger to the air to signal she won the race for herself and her country, having no idea ...

Study: Women's impact on economy undervalued

Statistical agencies and government bodies have significantly undervalued women's contribution to the economy, according to Western researchers.

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