Biochemists target relief for crippling condition

( —A molecule nobody thought to explore may unlock a potential therapeutic target for a debilitating connective tissue disorder, according to Western-led research.

Reducing patient ER wait times mathematically

A new mathematical finding by an international research team provides the health care system with a more balanced approach to how patients are selected for treatment, which will consequently decrease wait times. Led by Western's ...

Tracking devices explore concussions on the playing field

Kody Campbell admits to having his bell rung a few times. As a Mustangs football player for five years (2007-11), Campbell never sustained a concussion himself, but knows of many others who did. He is well aware the hard ...

Research team solves Martian meteorite age puzzle

By directing energy beams at tiny crystals found in a Martian meteorite, a Western University-led team of geologists has proved that the most common group of meteorites from Mars is almost 4 billion years younger than many ...

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