Study eyes worker mobility impact on economy

A new economic model developed at Western calculates the cost of reallocating working‐age Canadians (20-64 years old) from one industry to another and shows that an unwillingness by many to relocate or change careers hurts ...

Research team uncovers lost images from the 19th century

Art curators will be able to recover images on daguerreotypes, the earliest form of photography that used silver plates, after a team of scientists led by Western University learned how to use light to see through degradation ...

Study: Women's impact on economy undervalued

Statistical agencies and government bodies have significantly undervalued women's contribution to the economy, according to Western researchers.

Professor tracks medieval winds of (climate) change

The Middle Ages – spanning the 5th to 13th centuries – witnessed the rise of the Catholic Church, the spread of Islam and social and political transformation that laid the foundation for the Renaissance and modern Western ...

Scientists hold key to winning fight against 'fake news'

On March 27, 2015, astronaut Scott Kelly rode a rocket to the International Space Station. Waving up at him from Earth was Mark Kelly, his mustachioed twin brother. While they were 400 vertical kilometres apart, NASA scientists ...

Activism changing museums for better, researcher says

For years, Canadian Indigenous communities were allowed little say in how their cultural representations – artifacts and paintings, for example – were displayed in the country's museums. With few Indigenous curators on ...

Kubrick's AI nightmare, 50 years later

As David Bowman – the surviving crew member aboard the Discovery One spacecraft in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey – disassembles HAL 9000, the sentient computer pleads in an affectless, monotone voice:

Researcher sets eyes on Saturn's largest moon

Co-led by a Western space scientist, NASA is exploring a revolutionary plan that could see a drone-like quadcopter buzz above the surface of Saturn's largest moon.

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