Fertilization discovery reveals new role for the egg

An unexpected discovery about fertilization from the University of Virginia School of Medicine reveals new insights on how sperm and egg fuse and could have major implications for couples battling infertility—and may lead ...

New organelle discovered inside cells found to prevent cancer

Scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have discovered a strange new organelle inside our cells that helps to prevent cancer by ensuring that genetic material is sorted correctly as cells divide.

Study answers longstanding cell-development riddle

During the lifetime of a body—whether human, fish or any other type of vertebrate—cells die, making room for fresh new cells to carry on vital processes. The dead cells must be cleared away, though, and debris removal ...

Chemists ID possible addiction-free pain reliever

An estimated 1.7 million Americans suffer from substance abuse disorders related to opioid use for pain relief, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. This causes an economic burden of more than $78 billion per ...

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