The University of Austria was founded in 1365 in Vienna, Austria. The University of Austria has a student body of approximately 72,000. Numerous Nobel Prize winners have been associated with the University of Austria. Notable academic faculties include, the Austrian School of Economics, School of Social Science, Law, Science and Mathematics. The University of Austria is particularly noted for its Theology Academics.

Public Relations University of Vienna Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1 A-1010 Vienna

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Observing the random diffusion of missing atoms in graphene

Imperfections in the regular atomic arrangements in crystals determine many of the properties of a material, and their diffusion is behind many microstructural changes in solids. However, imaging non-repeating atomic arrangements ...

143 km: Physicists break quantum teleportation distance

Physicists at the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences have achieved quantum teleportation over a record distance of 143 km. The experiment is a major step towards satellite-based quantum communication. ...

Looking at quantum gravity in a mirror

Einstein's theory of gravity and quantum physics are expected to merge at the Planck-scale of extremely high energies and on very short distances. At this scale, new phenomena could arise. However, the Planck-scale is so ...

Quantum mechanics enables perfectly secure cloud computing

Researchers have succeeded in combining the power of quantum computing with the security of quantum cryptography and have shown that perfectly secure cloud computing can be achieved using the principles of quantum mechanics. ...

Under Observation -- Restless Atoms Cause Materials to Age

( -- Atoms have the habit of jumping through solids - a practice that physicists have recently been able to follow for the first time using a brand new method. This scientific advance was made possible thanks ...

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