How to reverse unknown quantum processes

In the world around us, processes appear to follow a certain time-direction: Dandelions eventually turn into blowballs. However, the quantum realm does not play by the same rules. Physicists from the University of Vienna ...

Lettuce takes up toxic additives from tire wear

Wind, sewage sludge, and waste water carry tire wear particles from roads onto farmland. A new lab study shows that the pollutants contained in the particles could get into the vegetables grown there. Researchers at the Center ...

Shedding light on the origin of complex life forms

How did the complex organisms on Earth arise? This is one of the big open questions in biology. A collaboration between the working groups of Christa Schleper at the University of Vienna and Martin Pilhofer at ETH Zurich ...

Transport of air masses in connection with El Niño decoded

The El Niño phenomenon influences the weather in distant regions, as far away as the U.S., India or the Mediterranean region. But how exactly these so-called teleconnections actually work has not yet been clarified completely.

Profiling of fatty sweet molecules on cell surfaces

Glycolipids, basically "fatty sweet" molecules, are a relatively unknown group of lipids. A new method developed by an Austrian team led by chemist Evelyn Rampler of the University of Vienna has now provided deeper insights ...

European colonial legacy is still visible in today's alien floras

Alien floras in regions that were once occupied by the same European power are, on average, more similar to each other compared to outside regions and this similarity increases with the length of time a region was occupied. ...

How farmers could fertilize more efficiently

Nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas. Its global warming potential can be up to 300 times that of CO2 over a 100-year period. Globally, more than half of man-made nitrogen oxide emissions come from agriculture. A reduction ...

Tracing a possible origin of animal pollination

An international team of researchers including Florian Etl and Jürg Schönenberger from the University ofVienna, Stefan Dötterl and Mario Schubert from the University of Salzburg, and Oliver Reiser and Christian Kaiser ...

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