Region of 'super corals' discovered

In 2019, a hydrology professor at The University of Texas at Austin set out on a research project to see if he could identify harmful nutrients flowing through groundwater into a delicate coral reef sanctuary in the Philippines. ...

Loss of picky-eating fish threatens coral reef food webs

Coral reefs all over the world, already threatened by rising temperatures brought about by climate change, also face serious challenges from the possibility of fish species extinctions. According to a paper out today in the ...

Water in bedrock is sustaining trees across country

You can't squeeze water from a rock. But tree roots can—and they're doing it more frequently than scientists previously thought, with a new study finding that bedrock is a regular source of water for trees across the United ...

Earthquake forecasts move a step closer to reality

Earthquakes—like lightning—strike unpredictably. The Earth's tectonic plates, however, hide subtle warnings that a major fault may soon break. Like forecasting a thunderstorm, knowing how to read the warnings could help ...

Bird brains left other dinosaurs behind

Today, being "birdbrained" means forgetting where you left your keys or wallet. But 66 million years ago, it may have meant the difference between life and death—and may help explain why birds are the only dinosaurs left ...

The delicate balance of protecting river deltas and society

Hundreds of millions of people live on river deltas around the world, making them central to rich diversity in culture and thriving economies. As deltas face environmental degradation and ongoing climate change, governments ...

COVID gets quantum treatment for drug discovery

Since the first known case of COVID-19 in December 2019, the disease has infected over 180 million people and killed nearly four million. A successful group of vaccines that target the coronavirus's spike protein has started ...

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