Study: Brain evolution is linked to competition

In response to a high-competition environment, Trinidadian killifish evolve larger brains, increasing their fitness and survival rates, according to a new study in Ecology Letters by biologists at The University of Texas ...

Biologists identify broad coral disease resistance traits

A new study in Science Advances led by researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington provides a novel framework for identifying broad coral disease resistance traits and examines the fundamental processes behind species ...

Examining the heat wave through a social lens

Texas is certainly no stranger to summer heat. But one University of Texas at Arlington expert believes rising heat and climate change should be viewed as not only an environmental crisis, but also a social justice issue.

Asexual reproduction leads to harmful genetic mutations

A team led by biologists at The University of Texas at Arlington has published a study supporting the theory that species that reproduce asexually have more harmful genetic mutations than those utilizing sexual reproduction.

Breakthrough study examines evolution of snake venom genes

A new study from biologists at The University of Texas at Arlington and an international team of collaborators provides the first comprehensive explanation of how snake venom regulatory systems evolved—an important example ...

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