Insect youths give in to parasitic mum

Adult children concede to exploitative mums leading to the evolution of insect societies, new research led by the University of St Andrews has found.

How ethically sourced chocolate can support wildlife

A study of currently farmed cacao forests, abandoned forests and natural unfarmed forest on the Caribbean island of Trinidad found that all three supported bird diversity, contrary to expectations.

New study improves marine climate change evidence base

Scientists from the University of St Andrews and Marine Scotland have undertaken the first full mapping of carbon stores across the UK's offshore Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to provide updated evidence for those trying ...

Humpback whales impacted by climate change

The breeding success of humpback whales in the Gulf of St Lawrence has fallen significantly, according to a new study led by the University of St Andrews.

Coral time machines reveal ancient carbon dioxide burps

The fossilized remains of ancient deep-sea corals may act as time machines providing new insights into the effect the ocean has on rising CO2 levels, according to research carried out by the Universities of St Andrews, Bristol ...

Verifying whisky using laser light

Researchers from the University of St Andrews have developed an innovative new technique using lasers to accurately measure the authenticity of some of the world's most exclusive whiskies—without ever removing the cap.

New sources for rare metals vital in modern technology

Research led by the Universities of St Andrews and Brighton reveals newly discovered sources for rare earth metals vital in modern technologies such as renewables production, mobile phones, laptops and televisions.

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