Scientists make a quantum harmonic oscillator at room temperature

A quantum harmonic oscillator—a structure that can control the location and energy of quantum particles that could, in the future, be used to develop new technologies including OLEDs and miniature lasers—has been made ...

Prešeren dolphin could hold long-distance swimming record

A team of researchers, including experts from the University of St Andrews, have documented the longest recorded movement in an inshore bottlenose dolphin—an incredible journey of 2,053 km (approximately 1,276 miles).

Guess who? Chimpanzee faces reveal family relationships

Researchers from the University of St Andrews have shown for the first time that not only do wild chimpanzees tend to look like their family members, but also some relationships are easier to detect than others.

Chimpanzees synchronize their steps just like humans

A new study by researchers at the University of St Andrews and the Central European University in Vienna has revealed that chimpanzees share a human tendency to unintentionally synchronize their steps when walking alongside ...

New research could help protect our vulnerable shelf seas

Researchers from the University of St Andrews have collaborated with Scottish Government scientists to develop a new predictive approach that will help assess how vulnerable the U.K.'s seabed carbon stores are to the pressures ...

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