Ancient volcanoes reveal Earth's recycled crust

Ancient volcanoes dating back billions of years could provide new insights into how the Earth's surface is recycled, according to scientists at the University of St Andrews.

Oxytocin linked to growth in seal pups

Scientists at the University of St Andrews have, for the first time, shown that grey seal pups with naturally high oxytocin levels gain more mass before weaning, without increasing the amount they are fed.

Humpback whales change their tune

New research led by the University of St Andrews reveals that humpback whales can learn new songs while navigating a shared migratory route.

Wild geese take climate action

Migratory animals are actively adjusting their traditions to climate change, new research has found.

Orangutans hold the key to human speech

New research, led by scientists from the University of St Andrews and Indianapolis Zoo, shows that great apes can control their voice in a similar way to humans, giving a unique insight into the evolution of human language.

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