Doing the right thing

General Motors is in the midst of a series of large-scale, costly automobile recalls, and the process has engendered an assessment of the company in the public arena that isn't particularly flattering at the moment.

Climate connections

In common parlance, the phrase "global climate change" is often used to describe how present-day climate is changing in response to human activities. But climate has also varied naturally and sometimes quite rapidly in the ...

Climate change and lithium mining negatively influence flamingos

Lithium is powering the world's electric vehicles, making the metal a key part in the quest to reduce carbon emissions. But the combination of lithium mining and climate change in the Andes Mountains may be negatively influencing ...

Debut of the global mix-master

Trekking across the high Canadian Arctic almost 20 years ago, Howie Scher had an unexpected encounter that helped fix the course of his career.

Finding the connections to "isolated" wetlands

Most people don't give much thought to water quality – until they find their water lacking. And enjoying the benefits of good beaches, fishing, swimming, canoeing and drinking water is not something that can be done in ...

Lessons from Iraq: Urban marshes and city survival

Jennifer Pournelle is continuing to build the case that natural wetlands, rather than irrigated fields, are the fertile ground from which cities initially emerged in Mesopotamia. And her conclusions about the importance of ...

Born to run off the reels

The end of this summer marked the fortieth anniversary of the release of Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run. If reminiscing fans felt a wave of nostalgia for one of the iconic albums of popular music, they likely also experienced ...

Dead men DO tell tales

You know you’re living in a culture of celebrity when the Twitter for the president of the United States ranks No. 6, trailing behind rock stars Justin Bieber and Katy Perry by millions of followers.

Turning pine sap into 'ever-green' plastics

Plastic bags are a bane of nature. And not just bags – just about all plastics, really. Most are made out of petroleum, and a piece of plastic, if it misses the recycling bin and ends up in a landfill, will probably outlast ...

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