Relocating 'nuisance' animals often unhealthy for wildlife

( —It's a common phenomenon around the world: when humans observe wildlife in their neighborhood that they consider a nuisance, they call government wildlife officials to have the animal removed and transported ...

Researchers developing techniques for tuna aquaculture

Swimming around and around in a 20,000 gallon tank at the University of Rhode Island's Bay Campus are several large yellowfin tuna captured last fall about 100 miles off the Rhode Island coast. The fish are part of the first ...

Research aims to settle debate over origin of Yellowstone volcano

A debate among scientists about the geologic formation of the supervolcano encompassing the region around Yellowstone National Park has taken a major step forward, thanks to new evidence provided by a team of international ...

Studying 'whale snot' to help protect Arctic marine mammals

Justin Richard spent nearly 10 years as a beluga whale trainer at Mystic Aquarium, where he taught the Arctic marine mammals to voluntarily submit to regular health screenings. But it's not so easy to conduct health screenings ...

Put a lab on a chip

Need some blood work done? There might soon be an app for that.

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