Help scientists research lugworms' sex lives

Love is in the air along our coastlines this autumn and scientists from the University of Portsmouth are asking the public to keep an eye out for signs of passion in the lugworm population.

Sophisticated maths simplifies appraisals

The immense challenges in delivering a fair, transparent and objective performance appraisal process in large organisations can be made much easier with a new approach developed by University of Portsmouth Business School ...

Biggest galactic map will throw light on 'dark energy'

An international team of astronomers has created the largest ever three-dimensional map of distant galaxies in a bid to help them understand one of the most mysterious forces in the universe.

Scientists' breakthrough in modelling universe

Research teams in Europe and the USA – including a cosmologist from the University of Portsmouth – have begun modelling the universe for the first time using Einstein's full general theory of relativity.

Universe may face a darker future

New research offers a novel insight into the nature of dark matter and dark energy and what the future of our Universe might be.

Demon shrimp threaten British species

A species of shrimp, dubbed the 'demon shrimp,' which was previously unknown in British waters, are attacking and eating native shrimp and disrupting the food chain in some of our rivers and lakes. The problem is contributing ...

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