Chemical biologists find new halogenation enzyme

Molecules containing carbon-halogen bonds are produced naturally across all kingdoms of life and constitute a large family of natural products with a broad range of biological activities. The presence of halogen substituents ...

Pitt engineer turns metal into glass

Materials scientists have long sought to form glass from pure, monoatomic metals. Scott X. Mao and colleagues did it.

Team first to detect exciton in metal

University of Pittsburgh researchers have become the first to detect a fundamental particle of light-matter interaction in metals, the exciton. The team will publish its work online June 1 in Nature Physics.

Detecting infection with a microchip

( —Alexander Star places a lapel pin on a table in his Eberly Hall office. Affixed to it is a microchip that he and his team have developed that may save joint implants before they're ruined by infection. Even ...

Incentives may spur homeless to save more, research shows

With the temperature outside falling, the plight of the homeless during the winter months is coming into sharper focus. New research by a University of Pittsburgh professor—showing that competition can spur the homeless ...

Snap to attention: Polymers that react and move to light

Microvehicles and other devices that can change shape or move with no power source other than a beam of light may be possible through research led by the University of Pittsburgh. The researchers are investigating polymers ...

Entering a new dimension: 4-D printing

Imagine an automobile coating that changes its structure to adapt to a humid environment or a salt-covered road, better protecting the car from corrosion. Or consider a soldier's uniform that could alter its camouflage or ...

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