Study finds high levels of PFAS in school uniforms

In yet another example of the prevalence of the hazardous chemicals known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in consumer products, industrial products and textiles, researchers have found notably high levels in ...

Should crowdfunding be this complicated?

In 2015, John Donovan was listening to a podcast when he learned about an entrepreneur who was hoping to start a business in the podcast space. Given the topic and audience, it would seem this entrepreneur could easily reach ...

Is focused attention always best? New study reveals when it's not

In the early 1980s, the dental care company Colgate decided to pursue the flourishing readymade meals market and debut its own line of frozen entrees. Yet rather than broaden Colgate's market share, the strategy backfired ...

Nanoparticle 'backpacks' restore damaged stem cells

Within a newborn's umbilical cord lie potentially life-saving stem cells that can be used to fight diseases like lymphoma and leukemia. That is why many new parents elect to store ("bank") their infant's stem cell-rich umbilical ...

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