Why not recycled concrete?

From paper towels to cups to plastic bottles, products made from recycled materials permeate our lives. One notable exception is building materials. Why can't we recycle concrete from our deteriorating infrastructure for ...

Giant gas cloud boomeranging back into Milky Way

Since astronomers discovered the Smith Cloud, a giant gas cloud plummeting toward the Milky Way, they have been unable to determine its composition, which would hold clues as to its origin. University of Notre Dame astrophysicist ...

Study offers new insights into Group A Streptococcus

One bacterial pathogen is responsible for a range of diseases, from pharyngitis and impetigo to more severe diagnoses such as toxic shock syndrome and necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating disease), a serious bacterial skin ...

Coroporate philantrhopy can have a positive impact on employees

Corporate philanthropy benefits organizations in many ways: Giving enhances a business's reputation and strengthens a business's efforts toward corporate social responsibility. But does corporate philanthropy do anything ...

Can performance brands cause a placebo effect?

From the middle-school child considering the premier brands of soccer shoes, to the college graduate weighing which graduate test prep course to take, a common marketing message from consumer brands is "you will perform better ...

New technology to provide insights into the health of students

Cellphones, any parent can attest, play a central role in the lives of college students. Studies show that nearly all college students own a cellphone, and most of those students use text messaging as their main form of communication. ...

Businesses may benefit from 'overqualified' employees

Overqualification—the condition of employees who believe that their qualifications exceed the requirements of their jobs—has been widely considered harmful for organizations, which is why most companies tend to screen ...

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