Scientists untangle Barr body of inactive X chromosome

Scientists at UMass Medical School, the Institut Curie in Paris and Stanford University, have taken a detailed look inside the small, densely packed structure of the inactive X chromosome found in female mammals called the ...

Scientists use CRISPR to discover Zika and dengue weaknesses

Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) have performed the first CRISPR/Cas9 screen to discover human proteins that Zika virus needs for replication. This work, led by Abraham Brass, MD, PhD, assistant ...

Novel technology vastly improves CRISPR/Cas9 accuracy

A new CRISPR/Cas9 technology developed by scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School is precise enough to surgically edit DNA at nearly any genomic location, while avoiding potentially harmful off-target ...

Living longer, not healthier

A study of long-lived mutant C. elegans by scientists at the University of Massachusetts Medical School shows that the genetically altered worms spend a greater portion of their life in a frail state and exhibit less activity ...

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