Researchers create uniform-shape polymer nanocrystals

A team of researchers from the University of Konstanz has demonstrated a new aqueous polymerization procedure for generating polymer nanoparticles with a single chain and uniform shape, which, by contrast to previous methods, ...

Demographic dissimilarity and absenteeism in blue-collar teams

"Diversity" is a central buzzword in business and labour-related vocabulary, functioning as either a mark of distinction or open flank of today's employers. Many people believe it is sufficient to hire a small number of currently ...

Protein complex may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases

Researchers from the Universities of Konstanz (Germany), Leeds (U.K.) and Stanford (U.S.) have discovered that the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC) prevents the aggregation of proteins associated with several ...

Using artificial intelligence to understand collective behavior

Professor Thomas Müller and Professor Hans Briegel have been carrying out research on a machine learning model for several years that differs significantly from alternative artificial intelligence (AI) learning models. The ...

New technique for in-cell distance determination

In a joint paper, researchers from the University of Konstanz, Bielefeld University and ETH Zurich demonstrate for the first time that the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique RIDME (relaxation-induced dipolar ...

Surrounded by low achievers—High on positive emotions?

The phenomenon tremendously important for a person's self-perception is referred to as the "Big Fish, Little Pond Effect" (BFLPE). A fish perceives itself as big when it swims in a comparatively small pond. This means: If ...

Novel enzyme discovered in intestinal bacteria

The human intestinal system contains a complex community of microorganisms, the intestinal microbiome, which metabolizes food components that have not readily been digested. However, there are also microbial degradation processes ...

Team develops first genetic switch for C. elegans

With their first ever RNA-based inducible system for switching on genes in the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), two researchers from the University of Konstanz have closed a significant gap in genetic switches. ...

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