Exposing office distractions and effects on worker productivity

With seemingly endless emails, phone calls and meetings, it's no secret that working in an office environment can be quite stressful. Understanding how stress manifests by exposing the effects of distractions can help unlock ...

Global climate change concerns for Africa's Lake Victoria

Global climate change could cause Africa's Lake Victoria, the world's largest tropical lake and source of the Nile River, to dry up in the next 500 years, according to new findings from a team of researchers led by the University ...

New catalyst efficiently produces hydrogen from seawater

Seawater is one of the most abundant resources on earth, offering promise both as a source of hydrogen—desirable as a source of clean energy—and of drinking water in arid climates. But even as water-splitting technologies ...

The paradox of different house flies with few genetic differences

In the steamy, often filthy world of the humble house fly, (the Musca domestica) clear division exists among the males of the species. Though not a civil war, there are differences, to be sure, between males in the north ...

Using nature to produce a revolutionary optical material

An international team of researchers has reported a new way to safeguard drones, surveillance cameras and other equipment against laser attacks, which can disable or destroy the equipment. The capability is known as optical ...

Research finds a new way to reduce food waste

Pity the poor blemished banana. In a society that equates beauty with quality, the perception that blemished produce is less desirable than its perfect peers contributes to 1.3 billion tons of wasted food a year globally.

Crack in Pacific seafloor caused volcanic chain to go dormant

From his geology lab at the University of Houston, Jonny Wu has discovered that a chain of volcanoes stretching between Northeast Asia and Russia began a period of silence 50 million years ago, which lasted for 10 million ...

Research yields new clues to the origin of Tamu Massif

The discovery of Tamu Massif, a gigantic volcano located about 1,000 miles east of Japan, made big news in 2013 when researchers reported it was the largest single volcano documented on earth, roughly the size of New Mexico.

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