Hawaiʻi phones capture data in Tonga volcano blast

The explosion of the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga-Haʻapai on January 15, released a blast "sound" wave that reverberated through Earth's atmosphere and was recorded around the world by monitoring stations—and smartphones. ...

Astronomers trace galaxy flows across 700 million light years

Everything in our universe moves, but the timescales needed to see motion are often vastly greater than human lifetimes. In a major new study, a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy ...

Expanded UH asteroid tracking system can monitor entire sky

A state-of-the-art asteroid alert system operated by the University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy (IfA) can now scan the entire dark sky every 24 hours for dangerous bodies that could plummet toward Earth.

Exploring fish flow from fisheries to supper

Recent breakthroughs in multiple fields of study now allow researchers to follow the entire life cycle of ocean fishes—from when and where they are spawned, to where they disperse and grow, to when and where they are captured, ...

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