Volcanic eruptions, hurricanes affect rainfall on Hawai'i Island

To better understand how and where groundwater is recharged on Hawaiʻi Island, a team of earth and atmospheric scientists from the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa looked to the source—rainfall. In a published study, the ...

First images of freshwater plumes at sea

The first imaging of substantial freshwater plumes west of Hawai'i Island may help water planners to optimize sustainable yields and aquifer storage calculations. University of Hawai'i at Mānoa researchers demonstrated a ...

48% of Hawai'i families with children report food insecurity

Recent developments, trends and how to address food insecurity for Hawai'i families with children is the subject of a recent study led by a team of researchers at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa's College of Social Sciences ...

Stranded endangered false killer whale divulges a dietary first

Researchers found something unexpected inside a rare false killer whale that stranded dead on Maui in February 2021, and it could ultimately help the endangered species. The whale was an insular false killer whale, the most ...

Sea-level rise drives wastewater leakage to coastal waters

When people think of sea level rise, they usually think of coastal erosion. However, recent computer modeling studies indicate that coastal wastewater infrastructure, which includes sewer lines and cesspools, is likely to ...

The secrets of the best rainbows on Earth

Rainbows are some of the most spectacular optical phenomena in the natural world and Hawai'i has an amazing abundance of them. In a new publication, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa makes an ...

New metrics could reduce gender gap in STEM fields

Hiring, promotion and tenure within universities are based on objective metrics of performance, something that is often evaluated using metrics that disproportionately favor men over women, such as citations and invited lectureships.

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