Why many similar species coexist within complex ecosystems

Scientists from the universities of Granada and Warwick have published an article in the journal PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), in which they suggest one possible answer for the enigma of stability ...

Scientists provide new data on the nature of dark matter

Recent research conducted by scientists from the University of Granada sheds light on the nature of dark matter, one of the most important mysteries in physics. As indirect evidence provided by its gravitational effects, ...

Artificial magnetic bacteria "turn" food into natural drugs

Scientists from the University of Granada have successfully created magnetic bacteria that could be added to foodstuffs and could, after ingestion, help diagnose diseases of the digestive system like stomach cancer. These ...

New IT tool predicts book sales prior to publication

In Granada, researchers have developed a new IT system that predicts the volume of sales a book will have if it is finally published. This information will be of great value to publishers, who could use it to decide on the ...

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