Students with disabilities hardest hit by school closures

In several countries, students with disabilities were severely affected by school closures. An international study shows how students in Malawi, Ethiopia, Nepal and Qatar were left without education and had increased mental ...

Complex urban processes discovered in the Indus civilization

Mesopotamia and the Indus civilization were both urban civilizations with large, densely populated and planned cities, 6000–1990 BCE. A new thesis in archaeology points out that the ancient Indus society showed complex ...

Pandemic's financial impact worse in middle-income nations

People's ability to support themselves has declined more in middle-income countries than in rich ones during the pandemic. This is clear from a study in which University of Gothenburg researchers are among those presenting ...

Altered chemistry impedes recovery of the Baltic Sea

Eutrophication has changed the chemistry of sediments at the bottom of the Baltic Sea so much that processes that counteract eutrophication are impeded. This is the finding of a new thesis from the University of Gothenburg.

Medieval ship found off the west coast of Sweden

A previously undiscovered wreck has been found outside of Fjällbacka on the Swedish west coast. Analysis of wood samples shows that it is the oldest shipwreck ever found in the province of Bohuslän. This is also one of ...

Southern Ocean storms cause outgassing of carbon dioxide

Storms over the waters around Antarctica drive an outgassing of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, according to a new international study with researchers from the University of Gothenburg. The research group used advanced ...

Trees contribute to cleaner air in cities

Air pollution levels vary greatly between different places in Gothenburg. This is the finding of a new study led by researchers at the University of Gothenburg, which concludes that trees contribute to cleaner air in cities.

Promising results for eelgrass restoration using sand-capping

This spring, excavators spread tons of sand on the seafloor outside a small island on the Bohus coast in an attempt to improve living conditions for eelgrass. Now, a follow-up study shows that the eelgrass shoots have more ...

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