Aquatic ecologist studies silent killer of bald eagles

( -- Something is killing American bald eagles, and Susan Wilde is determined to find out what. An assistant professor in the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Wilde has a ...

New strategy could lead to dose reduction in X-ray imaging

For more than a century, the use of X-rays has been a prime diagnostic tool when it comes to human health. As it turns out, X-rays also are a crucial component for studying and understanding molecules, and a new approach ...

Why CEOs delay sharing bad news—and how to stop it

An important part of a CEO's job is to communicate a business's value to shareholders. Good news is usually shared with investors right away, but bad news tends to lag. A new study from the University of Georgia Terry College ...

Researchers discover genes that give vegetables their shape

From elongated oblongs to near-perfect spheres, vegetables come in almost every size and shape. But what differentiates a fingerling potato from a russet or a Roma tomato from a beefsteak? Researchers at the University of ...

Researchers trace peanut crop back to its Bolivian roots

Researchers at the University of Georgia, working with the International Peanut Genome Initiative, have discovered that a wild plant from Bolivia is a "living relic" of the prehistoric origins of the cultivated peanut species.

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