Migration shapes patterns of disease transmission

Long-distance animal migrations can trigger relapse of dormant infections, influencing when and where infection risk peaks, according to a new paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. The findings demonstrate that relapse ...

A new method may make tomatoes safer to eat

When vegetable farmers harvest crops, they often rely on postharvest washing to reduce any foodborne pathogens, but a new University of Georgia study shows promise in reducing these pathogens—as well as lowering labor costs— ...

Pollution linked to antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is an increasing health problem, but new research suggests it is not only caused by the overuse of antibiotics. It's also caused by pollution.

'Insect apocalypse' may not be happening in US

Scientists have been warning about an 'insect apocalypse' in recent years, noting sharp declines in specific areas—particularly in Europe. A new study shows these warnings may have been exaggerated and are not representative ...

Coral reefs show resilience to rising temperatures

Rising ocean temperatures have devastated coral reefs all over the world, but a recent study in Global Change Biology has found that reefs in the Eastern Tropical Pacific region may prove to be an exception. The findings, ...

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